

i love the beauty and delicacy on these earrings. 


garter legs

i've been wearing this garter all week. i love it so much! i've yet to wear it as a functional piece, but i kind of like it this way. BUY IT HERE

spaced out

so loving this new shirt on the shop. i gave it a space dye and added beautiful fringe lace. BUY IT HERE


red. june '12

lo and chlo spike friendship bracelets were featured in the june 2012 issue of red, a popular magazine in UK. 

nylon sept. '12

yippe! cory kennedy in spike friendship bracelet again. love that she wore the shit out of it =)


nation 19 magazine. feb '13

my hottie pie friend lauren vey was in nation19 magazine wearing a lo and chlo bracelet. 

nylon 8/12

cory kennedy wearing lo & chlo spike friendship bracelet in Aug '12 issue of Nylon mag