


Birthday Girl!


Only one from halloween with weird action going on... (I have no clue who this girl is in the photo)



So I needed to waste a roll of film that had like only 5 photos on it from Halloween. I thought I'd be clever and take photos of my ever growing shoe collection. When I got home and started looking at the photos I noticed something a little odd... there was a man's face in one of the photos! Then I started looking more + getting a little freaked out (thanks paranormal activity) and saw a photo of something I had worn a different night.... then more and more faces were hiding in my shoe photos... TURNS OUT I was so drunk one night I took a roll of film and totally forgot about it! The end of the roll was still out so I thought it was a fresh roll in my purse since that night. In the end I love these photos and they they are funny =) I can't tell who 1/2 the people are in the photos so good thing I didn't waste that roll! ENJOY (my stupidity)....

Erin in my primary color docs

Akram flipping off my 80%/ 20 boots

Erin w/ my favorite Vivienne Westwood heels

Erin in my cassette boots

Reina flipping off my Marc Jacobs

Reina & I in my sanrio slippers 

The head 

Irregular Choice cowboy boots

Marc Jacobs mouse shoes


Vivienne Westwood



go to thefisheyefiles.com